Biblical Faith & Prophecy

What countries will be in World War 3

It has been over 70 years since the formal surrender of Japan on 2 September 1945 that officially marked the ending of World War 2. While some may think United Nations seems to be doing its job preventing large-scale military conflicts for over seven decades, others claim that UN merely postpones and allows the conflicts to brew bigger and bigger in the background before blowing up in our faces…


The life insurance we truly need

While I do believe it is wise to protect your hard earned money from wasting away on unnecessary spending in the end time, there is one life insurance that I couldn’t go any faster in urging people to sign up for it …


The truth about college degrees

There are so many individuals out there telling people that going to college is not a privilege for just somebody, it is for everyone. These speeches are then usually followed by a round of applause from the audiences. While I can’t really disagree with such a politically correct statement …