666 Mark Is The Ultimate Slavery System Of Humanity

Dr. Zelenko discusses how the satanic globalists plan to implement and deliver the 666 Mark of The Beast and how it is the ultimate slavery system of humanity

2000-year-old "666 Mark Of The Beast" Prophecy In The Bible

Revelation 13:15-17He was given the power to give breath to the image of the first beast so that it could speak on cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast, or the number of his name

Implementation and Delivery of The 666 Mark

What we are really witnessing, and that’s why Klaus Schwab the sociopaths in 2016, in a video recorded, with subtitles in French, so by 2026, in ten years, every single human being would be tagged with a digital identifier. He said it, that’s why 2026 they’re giving themselves a year or two hedge before the there was a global economic collapse, and so this’s all been and the proof is the following: there are two patents, that prove everything that I’m saying which we spoke about before, but I want to connect them. Patent No. 1 is that there is technology already in the vaccines that are being injected that measure your internal physiological data, your heart rate, your breathing rate, your temperature and then transmit that biometric data with your location to a third party. That has a lot of implications, but there is another patent owned by Microsoft, which is the linkage. Listen to this, in 2020 everyone knows about it. It’s WO2020060606. It’s an international patent. That patent is called “Linkage of Biometric Data to Cryptocurrency”, owned by Microsoft. In other words, ah, basically you are going have your own internal Apple Pay or Easy Pass or whatever it is, but you won’t be able to extricate it from you. I take my Easy Pass and throw it out the window, but I won’t be able to take out take out this transmitting technology that gives a third party whoever that may be, a knowledge of my internal temperament and physiological data and my location.

The Absolute Finest And Ultimate Slavery System To Ever Exist

And now legally speaking, what they’re going to be able to do is paper money will go away and the only way you’re going to be able to transact is if you’re part of the system, if you are actually transmitting biometric data, that is a form of absolute enslavery because if you are not transmitting that data, there is going to be restrictions made where you can shop or If you can shop at all. They don’t have to put a bullet in your head, They just have to limit your ability to buy bread or let’s say enforce some social credit system like those exist in China. You go out of your permit zone. Let’s say Sean I don’t like the what you said, I’m going to say you can’t leave your house more than a mile radius and since I know your location because you’re plugged into the grid. So if you go out of your permitted location, I just turn off your ability to do commerce. All of a sudden. I can manipulate your behavior, control your behavior, and then enslave you, and imprison you just by being able to control finance and commerce, and this is exactly what’s going on and it’s never been about COVID, and so what is being done is an intentional psychological war to induce global psychosis and then use that psychosis to tag with a digital identifier seven billion people. In the process, things are heard because a whole bunch of people dying in the beginning, whole bunch of people will have a shortened lifespan because of chronic illness. It leads to infertility and miscarriages, so has multiple purposes of this weapon of mass destruction, It reduces the population, makes infertile the undesirable and connects to the grid everyone else who survives so that they can be nice little slaves, and that is what’s really going on.

