"Artificial Intelligence Human" Is Already HERE

Dr. Carrie Madej discusses how “Human 2.0”, aka “Artificial Intelligence Human”, is already upon us

"Artificial Intelligence Human" Isn't Just A Concept, It Is A Reality Happening NOW

“So what do you think about going from Human 1.0 to a Human 2.0, and what does that mean? Well going from humans, as we now know ourselves to Human 2.0 has something to do with transhumanism and if you’re not familiar with that term, it’s about taking a human as we know ourselves and melding with artificial intelligence (i.e. artificial intelligence human), kind of like being in the Matrix if you’ve ever seen that movie and that may seem kind of cool to you. Ah, we might have some superhuman abilities may be a be able to think of something and it happens. Maybe have some physical abilities that it would be almost superhuman. Like that’s the idea, that’s what you see in sci-fi movies, and for myself. Thinking about this topic, I’m like well, I have some time I think, that’s many years in the future. However, this question, this idea is now right in this moment. We need to make a decision, and I found out that we need to make them as a decision about this, because I investigated the proposed Covid-19 vaccine and this is my alarm call to the world. I mean I looked at the pros and cons, and it frightens me, and I want you to know about this. You need to be very well informed because this new vaccine is not like your normal flu vaccine. This is something very different. This is something brand new. This is something completely experimental on the human race and it’s not just about being a different vaccine. There are technologies that are being introduced with this vaccine that can change the way we live, who we are and what we are and very quickly.”

Genetically-Modified "Human" And The Imminent Consequences

“I think that some people that you might know these names Elon Musk who is the founder of SpaceX and Tesla automotive, as well as Ray Kurzweil, who is one of the big wigs of google. Ah, these are self proclaimed transhumanists. They believe that we should go to human 2.0, and they are very big proponents of this. There’s a lot of other people that you might know their names they’re also involved with this. So you should look that up. I think the easiest way to explain this to you is to go with one of the front runners for the vaccine and go into a little bit of the history and tell you how they want to make the vaccine, and I think that will speak volumes so, for instance, Moderna now is one of the front runners for the COVID-19 vaccine. You should know that Moderna was founded by a person from Harvard Derrick Rossi, and this research are actually was successful and taking some modified RNA and being able to reprogram a stem cell in the body and change the function of the stem cell, he actually made it and genetically modified okay. So you can, he prove, that you can genetically modify something by using modified RNA. So they founded the company Moderna up on this concept. It’s kind of a new kid on the block. Okay, it’s not been around that long. In fact, it hasn’t even made any vaccine for a human before. It’s made no medicine for a human before. This will be their first run..”

“You must know that Moderna was in the news recently because it really fast tracked, like the other companies, it’s fast tracking the vaccine. It is going from Phase I to Phase II very very quickly. In fact has gone from Phase I to Phase III in its experiments from March of this year until currently. I mean that is unbelievable. It usually takes five or six years. How are they able to do this with the safety and efficacy data that we need? And I want you to know that in Phase II, we only use between, they are only using between 30 and 45 humans. And Moderna’s test study, they only used 45 humans and with the high dose vaccine group, 100% of those people got systemic side effects, one hundred. That’s only in the short side effect profileIn the low dose vaccine. 80% got systemic side effects...

“Now we don’t even know the long-term side effects from that. We would need a lot longer time right, maybe years, but we do know based on previous animal studies of using this technology that you’re going to, you can expect possibly increased cancer rates, increase mutant genes, mutagenesis also increased auto immune reactions. For instance, in some of the ferret studies, they saw that when the ferret was introduced to the virus that they were trying to protect the ferret from after the ferret got the vaccine, they actually had an exaggerated immune responses, it actually hurt the ferret. They had more lung inflammation, more lung fluid, even some problems with their liver and actually hurts them. They had a poor response. Okay, so those are longer term reactions and that could be seen with this vaccine, but we don’t know the data yet so it’s not without risk. And how are they doing this? Well they are actually suggesting to use a platform. Let me just explain how they would administer the vaccine.”

Micro Needle Delivery Platform

“So the vaccine, there’s an idea called Micro Needle Platform. Okay, this was a developed by MIT and they said it could be very easily produced. Okay and mass produce. This is why they’re proposing this technology and many millions of vaccines to be made quickly. They could also be administered by yourself, so the idea is to get a band aid. It looks like a band aid you buy in the drugstore it shipped to you through amazon or, UPS or some other shipping service, take it out of the package. You put it on your your hands like this, and then you take the sticker off and WOLA you’ve been vaccinated.”

"Snake Viper Fang Bite" Resemblance

“So how is that possible? Well in this band aid, it has little tiny, spicule little tiny needles, and this was a designed after a snake viper fang bite, or snake viper fang, so little snake bites. Anyway in these tiny little spicule, they claim you won’t really feel it that much. There are little hydrogels, a material called hydrogel. Inside the hydrogel would be a Luciferase enzyme as well as the vaccine itself. Okay. So what is all that? So first of all, you’re getting the vaccine it is modified RNA or modify DNA. Let’s take Moderna, modified RNA. So in that modified RNA, the idea is that it would then micro needles will puncture into your your cell membrane, okay and this synthetic piece of an RNA. It’s a code for the part of the virus work they could use a synthetic DNA. It’s a code for the part of the virus would go into your nucleus. Your body would start transcribing, it would start reading it and making more of that part of the virus will. Why would we want to make more of the virus? or part of the virus?

Gene Editing Via Transfection

“The ideas your body would get used to seeing it would know how to make antibodies and would have improved T cell response, and the idea is that when you saw it in the future, your body would already know how to fight it, and it would be a better response. That’s the idea. The problem with that is they’re using something called a process called Transfection, and Transfection is a way that we make genetically modified organisms (GMO). Okay, I think you know about those fruits and vegetables. Ah, they’re not as healthy as the normal wild type of fruit and vegetables. So possibly you could extrapolate that to a human. If we become genetically modified, we would not be as healthy. Okay. We don’t have long term studies on this anyway, just unbelievable. And you know the vaccine manufacturers had made the statement. This will not alter our DNA, our genome. I say that is not true, because if we use this process to make a genetically modified organism, why would it not do the same thing to a human? I I don’t know why they’re saying that now. If you look at the definition of transfection, it will tell you that it can be a temporary change in the cell and I think that’s what the vaccine manufacturers are banking on. It’s temporary or it’s a possibility for it to become stable, should be taking up into the genome and so stable that it will start replicating when the genome replicates, meaning it is now permanent part of your genome. That is a chance that we’re taking so if it’d be temporary or could be permanent, and we would never know that for years down the road honestly.”

You Are Now "Patented" and "Owned"

“So here we go, we’ve got something that can alter our genome. It’s a possibility and another thing on that. If they’re altering the genome, what would be the effect? They told you previously some of the side effects, but also we need to know that this is a synthetic piece of DNA and RNA okay, and if it becomes taken up to the genome of a human. It’s synthetic, it’s not from nature. And if you look at the Supreme Court justice ruling on synthetic DNA or genes, it can be patented and patents have owners. So what does that mean for us? What if this gets into our genome? Does that mean Moderna or the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation or the Department of Defense? All of these people were involved in the patents or are they somehow going to own part of our genome? It’s a possibility. You need to know that. So that’s one part of this delivery system. Just one now, let me go to the next.”


“The next part of the delivery system is a Luciferase enzyme. Okay, they named it, they patented it “luciferase”. I don’t like that name Luciferase because it has bioluminescent qualities, which means it can produce a light or has a light source, and all of this would be under your skin and you cannot see it. Now the Luciferase is an idea because they want to make sure that you are vaccinated. They don’t trust medical records. They don’t trust you saying that vaccinated. They want to make sure and want to make sure it was successful. A successful transfectionist, a successful gene modification. So when you get the Luciferase enzyme, if you have an iphone or special app on the iphone, you can scan over that area and it will give a digital code, a digital imprint, a digital pattern, something that will identify that you were vaccinated. It holds your vaccination records. It also gives you an ID, an number, a barcode, a branding whatever you wanna call it, a tattoo. It is all the same thing. You’ve now become like a product, so we have that.”

AI Nanotechnology Via "Hydrogels"

“Now the third thing I mentioned was hydrogel, so hydrogel is actually an invention from the DARPA, the Department of Advanced Research Projects Agency. This is kind of a sci-fi kind of a group from the Department of Defense Pentagon of the US government. They make these fantastic inventions, so one of them is hydrogel. Hydrogel you can go. I’m sorry you can YouTube, look on YouTube, look at Profusa as one of the companies, DARPA, as well as hydrogel and you’ll find some little two-minute clips that they describe. So hydrogel is nanotechnology, microscopic little robots, and these little robots actually, I know it sounds crazy, still crazy to me, but it’s possible okay. They can disassemble, reassemble, assemble into and make different things. So, with this hydrogel, it’s really nano technology. So that’s something you know robotic or something that’s artificial intelligence. It has the ability to connect with artificial intelligence. So this means that a human can now connect to directly to gather information from our bodies, and gather it, and connect with your smartphone, with the cloud, with some other smart device, and once this is done, this is 24 hours a day. 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Think about that. Think about how immediately that could change our privacy, immediately can change our autonomy, immediately change our freedoms. This can gather data like your blood sugar, your oxygen, your blood pressure. Okay, those sound great, but it also can gather many other things. It can gather they say your emotions or your menstrual cycle, your activity, if you falling, your nutrients in your body, if you took a medicine, the potential to see if you took a list of drugs. It’s got a potential to see almost anything that goes on in your body. And all of this information is going where? That has not been addressed. Who’s protecting this information? What are they using it for? This is really serious stuff guys. This is all being proposed and unveiled in the next vaccine.”

All About "Surveillance " And "Control"

“Okay, the other thing to know is, with this nano technology, hydrogel, artificial intelligence. You know hook up, just like your cell phone, you can send a text message, you can send an email, but also you can receive them back. So that means we can receive information. What information will be coming back into us? Would it affect our mood, our behavior? Would it affect, you know how we, how we think, our memories? If you haven’t watched the movie Matrix, I think you should, I think, there’s some truth in that in that movie. I see so many wrongs things with this vaccine, and I see that we are not talking about it in the major media, and I see that I feel that these companies are outright lying to us when they say they cannot affect their DNA because by all definitions that they’re using this can affect our DNA. So guys I wanted to make this video short because they wanted to get the point across. I wanted you to really do your own research. So now that there are many risks that we’re seeing here and there is some we really need to know if we really want to go from Human 1.0 to Human 2.0.”

Track Records Don't Lie

“Oh, and let me also tell you that there’s some major names behind these vaccines. You’re always going to see like the Department of Defense for the US government, sometimes DARPA like I told you. Why is the military involved with our vaccines? You see the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation everywhere with this. If you look, you’ll find that name almost always. And let’s go back to the Bill and Melinda gates foundation. I want you to look up what let’s look at the track record. Let’s look at what the man stands for. His family comes from a family of Eugenics. What’s Eugenics mean? Population control, meaning there’s too many people on the planet. It is important to know. He’s been on video stating that he thinks with a very good new vaccine, we could get the earth’s population to be decreased by 10 to 15 percent. Well, who’s going to stay and who is going to go and who is he to decide? He doesn’t have medical background, no epidemiology background, no science background. He’s not a doctor. Software tech, that is what he has. I’d also like you to realize. I always look at who has a vested interest. What are their motivations? What is his motivation right? We already know his family background. Well with great concern to me is that DARPA, this military agency, as well as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is very interested in something called: “Gene Drive” research or technology or “Gene Extinction” technology, and it’s exactly what it sounds like. By using genetic mutation, by use of transfection, for instance, you can exterminate an entire species from the planet. They are proposing to use this for mosquitoes, for instance, in Africa. But guys, our world is a delicate ecosystem. Who is who is saying one species goes? You destroy one species, you could affect an entire ecosystem. Ao when you exterminate an entire species, you will affect an entire ecosystem. It’s a very delicate balance and who’s to say, who’s going to stay who’s going to go who’s got that knowledge.”

“Why aren’t we talking about this? And guys if we can do it to an insect, we can do to an animal, we can do to a human. I bring this up because if these agencies that are behind the vaccines also stand for that. Do you trust them with your health? Do you trust them with your family? Do you trust them with our children? The other thing is we’re rushing this to production. What is the motivation behind that? We need to really think about this. I’ve also stated in the past that we need to know that there are at least in the United States. There are mandates pass that make vaccine manufacturers have no liability is zero liability for any harm done to any human. If people are killed, if they’re hurt, if they’re paralyzed, if they are maimed for life, it doesn’t matter, you have no recourse, and they still make all their profit. So there’s no incentive for them to make it safe anyway. I also want you to know that one of the mandates, the Emergency Preparedness Act that says they can force a vaccine on us. They cannot force a vaccine if there is a viable treatment for the COVID-19, and I want you to know that doctors around the world are being censored about treatment options for COVID-19 or prevention for COVID-19, because if there is a true treatment or prevention, then they can’t force this vaccine on us. I want to bring that up, because what in the world is the motivation of doing this? Is it really in the health of all of us? As a doctor, I can’t see how this isn’t the true health of the entire world. I think there is another motive, another agenda going on. The more I look at this, the more that comes up.”

Final Thoughts

“So leave you with these. I want to make this short and sweet so that you can digest and think about it. Do you really want to go to Human 2.0? I don’t think it’s a fantasy you see in the movies. We need to come together and we need to unify our voices, because people in positions of power taking care of our health are not in our best interest. But together we have power, together united our voice is strong. So I encourage you to do critical thinking, doing your own research, joining groups in your state, go to your state legislature, and you tell them NO. No to these experiments on humans. No two invasion of privacy notice, No to censorship. We are sovereign human souls and we need to take our rights back. Thank you for listening, and you know I always say my videos with the greatest of love and the greatest of peace. Thank you!”

