President Trump Warned THIS About Biden

President Trump warned the people about what would happen to Christianity and Pro-Life Movement with a Biden Administration

President Trump Warned about Biden on Christianity and Abortion

David Brody, CBN Network: “If Joe Biden gets elected President of the United States, what does that mean for America exactly?

President Trump“Well I can tell you what it means for your religion.  It means choice. It means that you’re going to put a radical lefty on the court, and that’s going to be the end of pro-life.  It won’t even have a chance, so that’s what it means.  Nobody’s been more pro-life as you know. You’ve heard it many times. I think you might have said it yourself, but nobody has been more pro-life as President than I have.  If Biden gets in, he’s going to…Look, he’s not going to do, because joe is shot. Somebody, whoever is going to be running the party is going to put radical left judges on the Supreme Court and all over the court system, and everything we do.  I think I’ll have close to 300 judges by the time I finish my first term, hopefully a lot more than that, but it’s it’s a record number and we have pro-life; these are pro-life judges, so and you look at the Supreme Court that is pro-life so we’ll see what happens.  If you have a radical left group of judges, religion I think will be almost wiped out in America.  If you look at it, pro-life will be absolutely wiped out.  So if you have that happening, pro-life is going to be out.  It’s going to be gone

Bible Verses Regarding Abortion

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” – Jeremiah 1:5

There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community” – 2 Kings 21:7

Biden Signed Executive Order Reversing Trump Pro-Life Policies

Joe Biden“And the second order I’m signing relates to protecting women’s health at home and abroad, and it re-instates the changes that were made Title 10 and other things making it harder for women to have access to affordable health care as it relates to the reproductive rights. I’m sorry you had to stand on…

