Mario Murillo: There is a FIRE Breaking Out in America

Mario Murillo described how there is a FIRE breaking out in America in the churches and how something BIG could be in play in the not too distant future:

Mario Murillo, Mario Murillo Ministries“I want you all to get this. There is a FIRE breaking out in America in the churches. There is a fire breaking out because it’s like the moment when Jesus turned the tables over in the temple.  Millions of Christians are saying right now, ‘enough is enough’. The executive orders of Biden is like there’s a moment in Star Wars where Darth Vader is going to kill Obi-Wan Kenobi and he says, ‘if you kill me I’m going to become more dangerous than you can possibly imagine’, and right now, when a man has nothing left to lose, they are the most dangerous person there is. And Donald Trump, I believe is more dangerous right now to Democrats than he has ever been before. He’s quiet, but there’s something going on and everything in my bones tells me that like the original 1776 revolution.  Ladies and gentlemen there’s going to be an intersection of American patriotism and Christian awakening, and we aren’t going to enter the dark era; We aren’t going to enter it folks because this nation has a special covenant with God, and deep wells something is going to happen I believe in the next few days. What we’re seeing in California, what I’m hearing from others all over the nation that with Tent Crusades and churches and what Kenneth Copeland just said. It’s the year of the local church. I don’t think he realizes folks that we’re in a moment where the Spirit of God is about to fall and deal with darkness in a way we never could have imagined

Watch My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell also discusses a coming spiritual revival in Mike Lindell: Red Sea Miracle is Coming

