General Flynn Gave Advices on Bottle of Wine Bet
General Mike Flynn Gave Doug Billings advice on whether to concede the bottle of wine bet with his friend regarding the 2020 Presidential Election
Doug Billings, The Right Side with Doug Billings: “So I made a bet with a high school friend of mine. His name is Stan that Trump would win the presidency, bottle of wine. I guess I need to pay up that bet because President Biden is there, isn’t he? He is the one, and we have to come to grips with that. [Laughter] We want to hear it from you General Flynn“
General Flynn: “It depends. Yeah well, I mean. Here is what I would say. I’d say hold that bottle of wine, hold on to that bottle of wine. I would not concede that bottle of wine; That’s Mike Flynn. Okay, not concede that bottle of wine. But I’ll leave it at that“