Matt Gaetz: Democrats Want to CANCEL Pledge of Allegiance

Congressman Matt Gaetz described how democrats want to use “white supremacy” and “racism” as excuses to cancel pledge of allegiance

Sean Hannity, Hannity on Fox News: “You know I watched closely your hearing with Nadler today, Matt gaetz and what does it take all of 10-15 seconds to say the pledge of allegiance and that I guess is unacceptable to congressman Nadler

Matt Gaetz, United State Congressman: “Jerry Nadler gave us the, ‘i gave it the office version of patriotism today’. Jim Jordan and I are speaking to you from a capital city that is draped in barbed wire that is crisscrossed in barricades, and inside the capitol building, a woman who got over 75 percent of the vote in her district was denied her opportunity of full service because democrats believe that the people inside of Washington DC here for this occupation know better than the people throughout this great country. It’s a travesty. I’m glad that Jim and I are here fighting to ensure that there is that opportunity to have people who disagree on substance without trying to totally cancel one another. I think it’s also interesting that as they were objecting to the pledge of allegiance, the reasoning was rather tortured. Democrat congresswoman Cori Bush said that the pledge of allegiance was a symbol of ‘white supremacy‘ and that to accept a statement of the pledge of allegiance would just reinforce a ‘racism‘ in our country, and I thought gosh at a time when there seems to be such a search for unity, we could do a lot better than this type of divisive rhetoric emerging from House Democrats

