City or Country When Shit Hits The Fan (SHTF)

Do you rather be in a city or country when shit hits the fan (SHTF)? 

My first reaction to this question is that it is a no-brainer.  Of course one would be much better off being in country that is away from crowd as there are probably going to be riots on the streets.  Sure these could be the aftermath consequences of a financial turmoil event such as stock market crash or dollar collapse.  However, being away from people could also mean being away from the resources.  For example, in an event of a shortage, it is hard to know for sure whether city or country will be better off.  Access to other essentials such as care and medicine can also be a concern for some people. 

One advantage of living in country though is that it usually comes with larger lot/land.  Larger land could mean extra space to prepare resources such as the ability to grow and farm your own food.  Another advantage about living in country is that neighbors usually know one another well whereas in city neighbors usually just mind their own businesses.  This may not seem like a big deal but local communities can mean the world’s difference in a catastrophic end time event.  But I guess the true harsh reality is how many of us can actually afford and are prepared to live in the country?  It surely doesn’t seem wise to abruptly quit your city job and move to a remote country just for these mentioned advantages alone.  After all, jobs are heavily concentrated in cities.  Without job, many of us can’t even put a roof over our heads let alone making end time preparation.

I guess there is really no right or wrong answer to this question.  Everyone needs to make the decision that suits them the most.  The point is that end time preparation is not an overnight thing.  It isn’t also just about stocking some food and supplies (sure please do that if you are not already), it is really about your whole lifestyle and what you value the most.  At the end of the day, how far are you willing to make sacrifice for your faith in something? 

What are your thoughts?

